Dec 31, 2023Liked by Constantine Markides

I didn’t intend to suggest that you could become pals because he’s boring... 😅Obviously you’re far from boring.

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This makes me smile and giggle immensely.

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Jan 2Liked by Constantine Markides

Great recommendations for any travelers in as unique of a situation as yours. Having been recently sexually assaulted for the appearance of safety, I feel some of your pain.

Sad that 4 days of no power had me so far behind we were not able to connect, but I'm hoping soon my friend, and thanks as always for your interesting take on TSA.

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*sound of plastic gloves being pulled over hands* I hope they at least asked for consent before molesting you.

Ditto. Next time, for sure

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Jan 1Liked by Constantine Markides

This sounds like an encounter with some real-life, standoffish character from a Dickens novel - Rob the Grinder from 'Dombey and Son', or Jerry Cruncher from 'A Tale of Two Cities'.

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Ha, Dickens knew how to name them...

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Constantine Markides

Loved it! Sounds like you two could become pals. It takes a special kind of person to want to go through people’s personal belongings all day. The kind who chooses to live through other’s adventures over having their own. The kind who think Orono, Maine is boring!

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For sure. In the unlikely event he ever reads this post, the beers are on me (in Orono, of course)

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These border “guards “! Nice piece. The parody worked for me. It’s the only way to deal with such abuse as we know how shitty they can make life for us. Thanks.

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I can hardly complain compared to what others have been through. And the man did at least have a sense of humor about it all

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Oh, thank you for adding a bit of levity to my Sunday morning. Makes me glad I never fly anywhere. Happy New Year!

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I really enjoyed this read. Much love to you and the family in 2024.

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Thanks, Thales. And to you too. Let's see if this year proves to be as dramatic as we all anticipate...

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Not long ago the New York Times' Mideast bureau chief and two of his staff reporters had children serving in the IDF. No wonder there was never any real criticism of the IDF OR Israel. Rahm Emmanuel, Obomba's chief of staff (later mayor of Chicago) chose to serve in the IDF while Americans were dying in Iraq. I wonder if serving in a foreign army can really jeopardize one's citizenship, if the foreign army is Israeli?

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Interesting, I had no idea Rahm Emanuel served in the IDF during the Iraq war. You’re right, there’s no way they can enforce the whole No-Americans-in-a-foreign-military line because of the number of Americans who’ve been in the IDF. I just think that my dad, being an immigrant from Cyprus, was just over cautious about it and passed that caution on to me. After that ridiculous encounter with the customs officer I never gave it another thought

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