Black Friday is back, so start stuffing that sack! Just ignore those tycoons who possess everything, who tell you You can own nothing and be happy. The richest among us know True happiness lies in enjoying the fruit of life. Keep amassing the goods of commerce, whether treasures or trinkets, For misery and dissatisfaction hounds those who Own little to nothing Remember that true freedom is when you Pursue, acquire, accrue. And beware false prophets who try to deprive you of joy, who urge you to Find your contentment within, not without!
Nice read! Read it a few times backwards and forwards while stuck in Black Friday traffic, στην Κύπρο μέστο κέντρο της Λευκωσίας.
Ha, thanks -- truly immersive reading! I had no idea that the Black Friday shopping spree was even a thing in Cyprus
The BF madness is BS. I haven’t seen any deals worth the name. At least for things that I am interested in.
It did seem an apt subject for a poem meant to be read bottom to top as well as top to bottom