It's good to note that all armies have the same problem. Right after we were deployed we got an officer fresh out of West Point.

We wound up calling him the Green Monster

Because to try and impress people he yelled nonstop all the time. It didn't make much of an impression on us..But we all developed selective deafness, so the louder he yelled the less work got done.

He didn't like the cold and mud very much,and he finally was replaced with a more pleasant overseerear.

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Something tells me Chewbacca was far more loveable than the Green Monster. And it being Cyprus, we didn’t have any real cold or mud to deal with even though it was winter. All armies are created equal but some are more equal than others…

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I meant to write "Plato's Phaedrus" in my response to Chewbacca

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"Can they rise if they're dead"? is a good question even when the questioner appears to be facetious. A Cyprus military officer should be required to re-read Plato's Phaedo or Phaedra and be ready to respond accordingly.

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True, that would have been the perfect follow-up if Chewbacca had riposted, "Indeed, the soul does not perish with the body, but rather continues its existence in another realm." Just your run-of-the-mill army banter...

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Another M*A*S*H quote:

Frank: "I wonder if I can say something useful?"

Trapper: "I often wonder that too, Frank."

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😂 sounds like a cross between Waiting for Godot and Naked Gun

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Ha ha!

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M*A*S*H quote: ""Please excuse these two, they're themselves today."

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This would have made the perfect opening epigraph…

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