Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

Glad it’s only a name-change!

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My mother is too

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Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

I salute both this post, and the superb clickbait title. (Clap, clap, clap)

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Appreciate that. Tom. I try to only do clickbait if it leads to panic in loved ones

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Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

You and Carrie joke about getting divorced so much that I can only assume that if you ever did get a divorce none of us would actually believe you.

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Very true. The couple that cried Wolf...

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Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

I salute your decision with a toast read in a long forgotten novel: "Champagne to my real friends. Real pain to my sham friends". May your own goblet overflow with wit, wisdom and myth.

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Love it, what a quote. I had to look that up. Known in rhetoric as an antimetabole, apparently. To your health, Grimalkin 🥂

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Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

"I decide with vigor. And then I vigorously change my mind." Me to a T. Well done. See you on the other side! And, BTW, Electra is a bad-ass name. She will learn to love it.

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I can see you relating to that line.

Thanks, that’s what I tell her too. And when she eventually does, I’m going to start calling her Sparkles…

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Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

or Bubbles... a truly underused name!!!

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No doubt! Brings to my mind Mr. Bubbles, a thermal bath in the Bechler region of Yellowstone. I highly recommend him

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Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

Thanks to you sir, my next snake will be named Electra!

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Very cool. She’ll be excited to hear that :)

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Especially for a boy :)

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Clickbait but only to a certain point. Lol

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That was my hope! Curiosity, then resentment, then redemption (or at least forgiveness)

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No pressure! Main thing all is well!

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Hilarious in several places. Charlie Chaplin speaks.

Glad you're getting a url. Good for the long run.

I like the name. And entirely appropriate for my view on marriage (and AI agrees with me).

Plus you're old enough to appreciate grunge (before it became post-grunge) - https://youtu.be/GLQ2TIul8pI?t=12

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Wow, that brought back memories! I forgot about this Soul Asylum song. That probably would have been more fitting to open with than Hank Williams' Wedding Bells. I'm still stuck in the grunge era. Just last year I went to see a Jerry Cantrell show here in NYC. The audience was lame but the show was great

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That's terrific. I'm getting the knack of complimenting you whilst outsmarting you :)

The great advantage of the West is being part of a small crowd watching great artists. Happy for you.

Unfortunately, rock almost extinct here. Us whities are an extreme minority so it was inevitable. Kwaito and gospel are the biggest genres. I'll just have to pray harder to Satan.

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Ha, you are indeed. I need to game up my songwriting vocabulary.

Never heard of Kwaito. Just listened to some and I see what you're saying. Not much overlap with grunge there...

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Damn, you'd have been better off in ignorance. Every taxi plays the same song.

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Normally its drug dead repeat-the-same-beat-the-whole-song, but there's ONE exceptional brilliance, a mixture of rock and kwaito, and unfortunately why a talented band cannot survive in South Africa) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpJIlrS1RHA

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Only now was able to listen to it. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing it

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Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

*debates with self whether to inform the author that 'My Thery Loves Company' is MUCH funnier and is, by far, the more superior title ... * 🤔 *chooses mercy* Wishing both you and 'Mythery' a long and happy 'conscious uncoupling'!

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Thanks, Kate. Very thoughtful of you to not inform… :)

And I can’t say I disagree—My Thery Loves Company is exactly the kind of esoteric thing I go for too (in fact it was originally the title)—but puns on puns is too heady for most. It’ll have to remain an inside joke for the OGs!

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Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

Enjoyed the read as per usual. Electra, I think it's about as pretty as could be, and you can tell her I said so.

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I will pass on the message!

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Mar 21Liked by Constantine Markides

Congrats!! It is a better name. More inviting.

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Thanks, Lizzie. Glad to hear that a pun on misery sounds inviting :)

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