"They eschew the escu" really grabbed me in my linguini. What an adorable little ham in that video, although all I understood was "made in Romania", but with his smiles and charm, that was enough.

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We’re all suckers here for linguistic linguini. Even though that kid, Ionut Cercel, is no longer a boy and has become a famous Romanian singer, this ended up remaining his breakout song. Must be tough to have your biggest hit before you’re ten…

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The Western and Central Asian influence in the music is interesting, showing that thousands of years of travel, over that little gap called the Black Sea, made history modern.

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For sure, lots of blending and influences in the song. Same with the Romanian language, which to me at least sounds like a cross of Italian, French, Spanish, Russian and even some Greek.

But even if the music reminds me of the Greek / Middle Eastern music I grew up with, his dress is indisputably Las Vegas…

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"The largest NATO military base in Europe" answers all the questions, but this is both funny and insightful.

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Thanks, Val. Yes, it's definitely not beside the point...

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Moldova, Transnistria, Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova are glaring part of the same American project. This past week, Schengen was expanded to Bulgaria and Romania.

This Black Sea Project began with Turkey (no matter how complicated Erdogan is).

The final "black name", the target of it all, is RUSSIA.

So obvious, but humans who choose 'democracy' through names, shapes of faces, and celebrity do not see the obvious.

My love for my species despairs me. At least you always add delight to your serious posts.

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I appreciate how you always have your eye on the ugly game of chess playing out behind the scenes. And I know it often feels this way, but this time it really does look like we're about to enter, or maybe already entered, the end game stage.

Thanks for cross posting, and glad you liked the absurdity. I didn’t intend to derail into farce when I first started writing this, but I couldn't help myself when I realized how many escus were out there!

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The biggest joke is that mass of humanity that keeps doing what its told whilst claiming to want freedom. I'm laughing so hard my blood is everywhere.

WW2 never ended. We're just go from battle to battle, no quick end in sight unless internal strife takes down the USA (and Europe follows). Recession would destroy my country, but that's likely the quickest route to change.

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You intrigue my linguistic sensibilities and my etymological obsessions. And you've clarified finally the meaning of the suffix "escu". Words and names set the tone for love or war. Look at "Bush" who in bush-league fashion, set in motion the present Middle East disasters. And "Trump" with all that is implied in the word, from "trump card" to "trumpet" and "strumpet"

"German name researcher (Lehrbeauftragter für Namenforschung) Hans Bahlow derived the German surname Trump from a Bavarian word for "drum" (Middle High German trumpe)". So there is much in a name than appears to our normal sensibilities.

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Hugh, your presidential wordplay and etymologizing is very fitting for this post. I had to look up Bush-league — “being of an inferior class or group of its kind —” which I wrongly assumed meant “waging war in the outback.”

Strumpet... good one. “Trump” really is the apotheosis of surname word allusions. I remember when John Oliver long ago did this satirical piece on how we should start calling him “Drumpf” instead because that was the original German name before it was changed to Trump

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American presidents have easy-to-pronounce names, and the last 11 were all one or two syllables. And that's before we get to people voting for a type of face.

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Obama is the one exception to this. But for three syllables, that's as short as you can get...

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I stand corrected, and your diplomacy is so good that what you said is true.

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