Jul 15Liked by Constantine Markides

So glad you got carried away and ended up with this brilliant post instead!

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Thanks, Beran. Not what I intended when I sat down, but I guess it just had to come out!

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My memories of premature ejaculation don't included assassination but to each their own :)

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I'll never pass up an opportunity for an adolescent pun, although I confess that that one popped up unbidden (unlike this one)

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Political violence is really the least of the problems in the USA while our streets are overrun with murders, rapes, carjackings, squatters that kill and dismember, gangstas that steal without penalty, and long time criminals are released into society to murder and rape again. The Presidency means very little to those of us that pay attention. Nice article. Rant completed. 💥

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I agree that the presidency means way less than the brouhaha would suggest. I appreciate your rant, Grimalkin. As you know, this is always a space for rants, especially heretical ones!

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"There is no space for political violence at home when you are so busy exporting it abroad." Spot on. The hypocrisy and double standards are sickening. But like you, I marvel at it all because, as my late uncle used to say, 'a crisis needs a crisis.'

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A crisis needs a crisis! Sounds like your uncle was wise and eloquent man, Thales.

Yes, no end to the hypocrisy. I watch the news nowadays with the same macabre fascination of a rubbernecker driving by a car accident

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Biden's "I'll never let go" has been evaporated by Trump's "Here I stand!" That's truth in this American era of falsehood.

Watch the short video at the bottom of Matt's page - https://matthewhoh.substack.com/p/defending-democracy

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Surreal days. Buckwheat! It's been a while since I've seen him. Back before SNL went the way of all legacy media...

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