Sep 14·edited Sep 14Liked by Constantine Markides

I read your soldiering series like I watch vloggers in Armenia and Georgia i.e. I wish I was on holiday there, sharing coffee and kebabs. Our guys did 12hr shifts for 7 days, and if anyone misbehaved like this, they'd have been in jail, and their service time extended by the period they were imprisoned.

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I never would have thought of myself as the type who would crave some martial discipline, but it was a constant (and unfulfilled) fantasy of mine.

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It takes the tardiness of others to make us realise we don’t want to be them.

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Sep 14Liked by Constantine Markides

Another great post, but I have to believe there is a bit of exaggeration within your words. 😼

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Ha, I know it seems hard to believe but I took pretty meticulous notes and had a microrecorder on me most of the time. If there are any Cypriots out there reading this who were in the Arohas Conscription series, I bet they can back this up with their own first hand experience :)

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Okay, I believe you. 🐈‍⬛

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Sep 14Liked by Constantine Markides

Ahh, barracks life,if we acted like that we'd all be in the brigg. Then sent home with a dishonorable discharge,

But we had contact with the enemy three times a day.

It's name?

Army chow.

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Bon appétit!

Any sane army would. I wasn’t expecting a Full Metal Jacket-style boot camp experience but I also wasn’t expecting Confederacy of Dunces…

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