Nov 8, 2023Liked by Constantine Markides

I agree that the poem itself stood perfectly well on its own. Bravo!

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Oh my god!!! What is this? I got confused with the introduction. I thought that was the piece. “Seated on the floor before my milk crate desk with a bottle of tequila at hand, I hammered out some extravagant, fire-breathing lines.” This sets the tone and brings us to your space. The poem itself is brilliant, poignant and raw: “but with the freedom to be comes the terror of realizing it” or “ boldly madly given the chance to move the earth and shake up the people to flash hearts minds squeeze ends of fingertips” and “worse than the terror is to. not feel the terror” and the one about not to have another day. Great lines because they hit home. So we have the chance to change the world. What do we do? It’s also cool how you lower cased everything but used full stops (grateful) and that adds to the poem as it brings it to all being equal or beige or of sane or no importance. You should be proud of this!

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Ha, yes, it is a confusing preface. I probably shut have just taken my convoluted intro to heart and shut up from the get go by merely posting the poem. But I suppose I did prove my point by rambling on! Thanks for your kind words about the poem, I appreciate them

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I think you are right! I also found it as a standalone the preface. But what do I know? You wrote it! Both are great pieces.

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Others made a similar point to me in private, so I've now put the poem up front. Thanks for the input!

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You’re welcome! I think this works better and makes both pieces justice!

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