Jan 26Liked by Constantine Markides

So you have done it before, keep going, not much has changed. The American Soap Opera that is known also as the 4 year presidential election unknown to any other democracy , I find a real bore. I am a Canadian and our elections last 30-60 days give or take. The REAL things like the wars the Americans start are horrid, but I believe there is room for satire. Put Niki, Donald and Joe away and stick with the real things they do... just think..advice from someone who is NOT a writer to someone who is! I like your work. Thanks.

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Jan 26Liked by Constantine Markides


Happy Friday from Laval

And you wonder why people from other countries say we are so boring, so nice?

Has its benefits you know.

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I hear you, Peter. One or two months is far more sensible. Yes, it’s a soap and a circus and a sideshow all in one. Easy to get sidetracked so that’s good advice, I appreciate it!

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Jan 26Liked by Constantine Markides

This cynicism is both “chefs kiss” and warranted. What else is there at this point but pulling our hair out and voting for the best sun tan?

No candidate survives if they don’t pay homage to the military industrial complex, after all. It’s just a matter of degree.

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Thanks, Patris. Matters of degree, yes, but of course those matters matter. Your chef’s kiss made me chuckle…

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Both Chefs Kiss? Patris really

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Jan 26Liked by Constantine Markides

We need less war & more compassion.

Profiteers of war, should be unelectable, but somehow keep rising to the top, wonder how that is?

Thanks for your perspective as always.

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I hear you, Ben. Brings to mind the quote from the philosopher John Dewey: “As long as politics is the shadow of big business, the attenuation of the shadow will not change the substance.”

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FYI: They said He would not win in 2016. He did.

He has crowned himself, woops sorry Not yet,

She She That Woman , That Birdbrain, just might be the one to fly over and shit on his parade.

Stay tuned!

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